Friday, April 15, 2011

Incredible Eggs...

Yesterday, to celebrate eggs benedict day, we had a most delicious breakfast of (of course) eggs benedict with Tess Croall, her lovely husband Blair and cute as a button Adele (Please note I remembered all family members' names here). I had salmon eggs bene, in line with my current brain food diet. So I thought I would dedicate my blog today to eggs. Because guess what, they're good for your brain!

Eggs are high in B12, which is a cool brain boosting vitamin which prevents brain shrinkage... (gross, brain shrinkage). Also, eggs contain Choline, which, like Omega 3, is a key component in brain cell membrane structure. This accounts for a high proportion of the brains total mass and is essential for good brain health. Other foods high in Choline include:
-Beef liver
-Peanut Butter

So I was stoked to find these easy Choline- high foods to include in my brain food diet! Yum! However, not so stoked to find out one of the side effects of having TOO MUCH choline in your diet is a 'fishy odor'.. so going to have to watch that.

Next month is egg celebration month (not kidding, it is!) so just be careful out there, you may get smarter from eating an egg a day, but you may also smell fishy.

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